Saturday, September 04, 2004

The Media? Unfair? Say it isn't so!

Well, if yesterday's episode in media bias didn't wake you up, perhaps this will:
In his latest polemic, the editor of the once-respected Harper's Magazine sneers that President Bush "was trundled into New York City this August with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the heavy law enforcement and paper elephants."
"The speeches in Madison Square Garden," he continued, "affirmed the great truths now routinely preached from the pulpits of Fox News and The Wall Street Journal" editorial page, about the primacy of free markets and the declining significance of government.
Of course, Lapham was entitled to fair (or even unfair) comment on the GOP convention. But at least the Harper's editor could have waited until the convention was under way (or even completed) before writing his critique of the proceedings.
Instead, his attack upon the party of Bush actually was published the week before the Republicans descended upon New York City.

Instapundit has been on top of this since Aug. 24, but it takes a while for stories to emerge from the Blogsphere and reach the MSM. I wonder how long it will take for the AP Boo Scandal to reach that point...if it ever does.

And speaking of media bias...feel the love from Paul Krugman.


Blogger bkm said...

Ho ho. Tell me, Mr Allah...what do you think about your brothers shooting little kids in the back? Answer me that.

3:32 PM  

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