Saturday, September 25, 2004

Another AP editorial disguised as news

Check this one out: How stuff like this piece entitled "Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq" gets out on the wires is beyond me. It has "it was not unlike the spin that Kerry and his forces sometimes place on Bush's words, " in the second graph. It is not the call of the reporter to state such things. This belongs on an editorial page, not the news section. Pathetic...simply pathetic, and crap like this gets put in papers nationwide everyday.

UPDATE: More than a few Freepers have pointed out that Jennifer Loven, the author of this piece, "is married to Roger Ballentine, who is president of Green Strategies, a consulting firm specializing in energy and environmental issues, and was previously deputy assistant to President Clinton for environmental initiatives and chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force. He also sits on the board of directors of Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) along with actors Ed Begley, Jr. and Larry Hagman." Why am I not surprised by this?

UPDATE#2 Another Freeper has made an observation:

Here is an excerpt of a (biased) report from the AP
Campaigning by bus through hotly contested Wisconsin on Friday, Bush sought to counter recently sharpened criticism by Kerry about his Iraq policies:
_He stated flatly that Kerry had said earlier in the week "he would prefer the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to the situation in Iraq today." The line drew gasps of surprise from Bush's audience in a Racine, Wis., park. "I just strongly disagree," the president said.

And yet, when I went to look up a transcript of the speech, this is what I found:
And the way to prevail, the way toward the successful conclusion we all want, the way to secure Iraq and bring our troops home is not to wilt or waver or send mixed signals. (Applause.) Incredibly this week, my opponent said he would prefer the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to the situation in Iraq today.

I mention this because I recall the time they were caught in the act of replacing applause for boos. Now it seems they are replacing boos for "gasps of surprise"
UPDATE#3: Power Line has a good piece on this, as does Polipundit and please note that the article has been retitled, but we all know that the damage has already been done..the story will no doubt run tomorrow in countless papers and accepted as fact.


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