Saturday, October 02, 2004

Cheat Sheets at Debate?

Is there anyone out there that can provide some screen shots of Thursday's night debate? A reader has passed this on from the Swift Vets Board and I'd like some additional confirmation on this:
I have just watched a replay of the opening of the debates (Available here, scroll down a bit). Right after Kerry shakes hands with Bush and Kerry steps behind the podium, Kerry pulls something out of the inside of his breast pocket. For all I know it could be a 'cheat' type sheet. It was not a hanky or kleenex. If that's the case, Kerry pulled a fast one on the country and his so-called debate abilities can be debunked. This is absolutely AGAINST the rules and should be questioned by the media and debate commission. What can I do to bring this to national medial attention?
According to the rules of the debate, neither campaign is to use any footage of the debate in a public forum. Of course, we know that Kerry's side went out immediately after the debate and ran footage of the President's facial expressions. The debate rules also stated that the speaking candidate was the only one who was supposed to be filmed but the media refused to accept that rule and filmed the non-speaking candidate anyhow.


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