Saturday, August 21, 2004

Joe Scarborough vents and gets it right

Joe Scarborough, the only conservative known to inhabit the halls of MSNBC, has nailed it about the way the MSM seems to overlook how other groups can hurl vile crap at the President, yet nothing is said when the other side returns fire.

The Times' aggressive expose on the 260 decorated Vietnam veterans who make up "Swift Boat Captains for Truth" came complete with a do-it-yourself Vast Right Wing Conspiracy chart...

Funny how attack ads by left-wing groups didn't provoke the same moral outrage as this vet ad.

I wonder why these high minded media types never drew charts connecting anti-Bush 527 groups to John Kerry. Oh wait. I know the answer. It's because 90 percent of the reporters and talking heads who work for national news outlets will be voting for John Kerry this fall. If you don't believe me then ask Newsweek's top political gun Evan Thomas, who admitted last month that the majority of reporters in America wanted Kerry elected president...

And why don't you check the transcripts of your favorite left-leaning talk show and see if these noble warriors of truth raised the slightest concern when a liberal ad ran in 2000 suggesting that George W. Bush committed an act as heinous as dragging an old black man to his death...

And why are they so offended by John O'Neill's book-- the contents of which may be true-- when they French-kissed Joe Wilson for writing a book that we now know is filled with lies?


Blogger Unknown said...

He didn't get it right. Kerry condemned the ad. Bush won't condemn the Swift Boat ad until it is politically expedient for him to do so. Second: the Swift Boat ad is so amazingly untruthful as to be embarassing. The ad was at least grounded in reality, and while inaccurate was not a total contradiction. Today, two of the Swift Boat guys retracted their statements in the O'Neill book.

Whatever you want to believe about the Swift Boat ad, it will be proved false. This is pure bullshit, and a disgrace. If I was a republican, I would be embarrassed by these guys.

10:53 PM  

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